Bankruptcy is a legal process that can help you wipe out debt and start fresh, financially speaking. Although you can complete the 10 Steps to Chapter 7 bankruptcy in about 6 months, it takes time and effort on your part to ensure you have the best outcome. There is no shortcut so, be patient as you work through the steps ensure its accuracy. The team at Chesterfield Bankruptcy Law can answer any questions and concerns as you step through the process.
Get Financial Freedom
The 10 Steps to Chapter 7
1. Gather the Required Documents
At the beginning of the process, you will receive a list of the documents needed to complete your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case. Gather the documents list and return them to the office. There is a mail slot in the front door if you need to drop documents off when the office is closed.
2. Pay the Fees - In person, via mail or online
Payments can be made in person or mail, by cash, check, or money order. The office is open from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Thursday and Friday from 9 to 3. Anyone in the office can accept a payment.
You can mail checks to the Chesterfield Bankruptcy Law address at the top. If you want to stop by outside the hours listed, please call to set an after-hours appointment with me.
You can make a debit card payment using the Make a Payment Online button on the website.
3. Complete the required “before filing” bankruptcy class online
Go to MoneySharp.org. The attorney code for my office is “Chesterfieldbk.” You pay MoneySharp the $10 fee. MoneySharp automatically sends me the credit counseling certificate. This is a required part of the 10 Steps to Chapter 7.
4. Make an appointment with Chesterfield Bankruptcy Law
At this appointment, you will sign your bankruptcy documents so we can file your case with the court.
5. Read the documents from Chesterfield Bankruptcy Law and the court
After your case is filed, I will send you information about the meeting with the trustee. The court will also send you this information by regular postal mail. Please take the time to read what the court sends you. The date and time of the meeting with the trustee is in Section 7 of the notice the court sends out. You will get 2 emails from me before the meeting with more info. You are halfway through the 10 steps to Chapter 7.
6. Provide bank statements
Send or bring in bank statements for all accounts showing the actual balance in the account on the date your case was filed. You may not have this until shortly before (or even shortly after) your meeting with the trustee. You can provide online screenshots for the date of filing, but the trustee will require actual bank statements unless the online document includes your name, account number, and the balance on date of filing. Most of the online screensots are missing one of these.
7. Attend the meeting
Appear at the meeting with the trustee at the date and time to which you have been assigned. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, these meetings are typically done by telephone in my office.
8. Address missing documents
If you have not provided a required document, the meeting may be re-scheduled to the trustee’s next date, or be set to be done by telephone in an extreme situation. This needs to be arranged in advance of the hearing date.
9. Provide any requested additional documents
Provide to me any additional documents the trustee has requested at your meeting if any. You can send them by email, fax, or drop them by the office.
10. Complete the "After Filing" bankruptcy class
The final component of the 10 Steps to Chapter 7 – Complete the 2 required “After filing” bankruptcy class online with MoneySharp and pay them $10. Once this is done, you can expect your discharge roughly 60 days after the meeting.
You have completed the 10 Steps to Chapter 7!
Bankruptcy can be the end of overwhelming debt and the beginning of the next phase of your financial life. Use the form or call 804-706-1355 to schedule a free consultation and find out if filing bankruptcy in Chesterfield is right for you.

The attorneys at Chesterfield Bankruptcy Law can help you determine if bankruptcy is the right debt relief option for you.
Bankruptcy is a last resort. There may be alternatives that can help you deal with the financial burden. Call us at 804-706-1355 for more information and to find out if bankruptcy is the best option for you.